'23年2月15日 更新
テーマは「No Good Deed Goes Unpunished」です。
ゲストスピーカー: エコ・ハメルスマ
日時: 2023年2月24日 (金) 18:15-19:55
会場: 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス 志高館2階コモンルーム
費用: 無料
言語: 映画(日本語・英語字幕)、プレゼンテーション英語
対象: 同志社大学の学生・教職員
テーマは「No Good Deed Goes Unpunished」です。
映画: バッシングゲストスピーカー: エコ・ハメルスマ
日時: 2023年2月24日 (金) 18:15-19:55
会場: 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス 志高館2階コモンルーム
費用: 無料
言語: 映画(日本語・英語字幕)、プレゼンテーション英語
対象: 同志社大学の学生・教職員
テーマは「No Good Deed Goes Unpunished」です。
ゲストスピーカー: エコ・ハメルスマ
日時: 2023年2月24日 (金) 18:15-19:55
会場: 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス 志高館2階コモンルーム
費用: 無料
言語: 映画(日本語・英語字幕)、プレゼンテーション英語
対象: 同志社大学の学生・教職員
テーマは「No Good Deed Goes Unpunished」です。
映画: バッシングゲストスピーカー: エコ・ハメルスマ
日時: 2023年2月24日 (金) 18:15-19:55
会場: 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス 志高館2階コモンルーム
費用: 無料
言語: 映画(日本語・英語字幕)、プレゼンテーション英語
対象: 同志社大学の学生・教職員
A film event will be held on Friday, February 24.
The theme for this event is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".
After the 82-minute screening, guest speaker Eco Hamersma will introduce the film and talk about the security situation in Iraq and Syria based on his research.
With Special Guest Speaker Eco Hamersma (Graduate School of Global Studies, Ph.D. candidate)
Venue: GRM Common Room (2nd floor of Shikokan, Karasuma campus)
Admission: Free
Language: Film in Japanese (w/ English subtitles),presentation in English
Open to Doshisha University Students and Faculty.
Reservation is not required.
We look forward to seeing you.
The theme for this event is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".
After the 82-minute screening, guest speaker Eco Hamersma will introduce the film and talk about the security situation in Iraq and Syria based on his research.
Event details
Film: BashingWith Special Guest Speaker Eco Hamersma (Graduate School of Global Studies, Ph.D. candidate)
Venue: GRM Common Room (2nd floor of Shikokan, Karasuma campus)
Admission: Free
Language: Film in Japanese (w/ English subtitles),presentation in English
Open to Doshisha University Students and Faculty.
Reservation is not required.
We look forward to seeing you.
A film event will be held on Friday, February 24.
The theme for this event is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".
After the 82-minute screening, guest speaker Eco Hamersma will introduce the film and talk about the security situation in Iraq and Syria based on his research.
With Special Guest Speaker Eco Hamersma (Graduate School of Global Studies, Ph.D. candidate)
Venue: GRM Common Room (2nd floor of Shikokan, Karasuma campus)
Admission: Free
Language: Film in Japanese (w/ English subtitles),presentation in English
Open to Doshisha University Students and Faculty.
Reservation is not required.
We look forward to seeing you.
The theme for this event is "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished".
After the 82-minute screening, guest speaker Eco Hamersma will introduce the film and talk about the security situation in Iraq and Syria based on his research.
Event details
Film: BashingWith Special Guest Speaker Eco Hamersma (Graduate School of Global Studies, Ph.D. candidate)
Venue: GRM Common Room (2nd floor of Shikokan, Karasuma campus)
Admission: Free
Language: Film in Japanese (w/ English subtitles),presentation in English
Open to Doshisha University Students and Faculty.
Reservation is not required.
We look forward to seeing you.